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Six Bullets ArchivesI think we agree, the past is over
Milwaukee's Best Local Filmmaker for 2006
December 6, 2006
Director Graham Killeen has won the Shepherd Express Best Milwaukee Filmmaker award for 2006, beating out fellow nominees Howie Goldklang and Mark Borchardt. Check the Shepherd Express this week for more information. Thanks to everyone who voted. To celebrate, and to thank you for your patience, we've launched the teaser trailer today.
The Sweet Sound of Indie Moviemaking
November 1, 2006
Sound engineer Chase Brandau has signed on for foley, sound effects, and post-production audio for "Six Bullets". He has worked on other independent projects including "Cosmic Dissonance", "Gone" and the animated short film "Jona/Tomberry", which won the Critic's Choice Award for best short at Cannes Film Festival in 2005. Endless Blue will still be writing and recording the musical score. We're sending our congratulations; The group's two members just had their first child, Avery, on 6-28-06.
Indie Film Festival in Milwaukee
September 6, 2006
The Milwaukee International Film Festival will be kicking off on October 19th. While "Six Bullets" will not be submitted to the MIFF until the 2007 festival, look for the Six Bullets street team to be promoting the trailer and other Six Bullets events there this year.
Deadlines and Schedules
August 6, 2006
Editing is expected to be completed by the end of August, a few weeks later than originally planned but still "in time for submission to Sundance and the other winter [film] festivals," according to Director Graham Killeen. Post-production is estimated to take an additional 6 to 12 weeks.
Test Screenings for Six Bullets
June 7, 2006
The first test screenings of Six Bullets were held at The Milwaukee High School of the Arts. The audience screening results are in. Some changes to the cut are being considered in response to the feedback received. The final version will be a western that is "more independent" and focus on the "strengths unique to indie film," according to producer Jason Bott. If you'd like to talk about your experience or want to participate in a possible future test screening, sign on to the Six Bullets MessageBoards.
Six Bullets MessageBoard Launches
April 10, 2006
The Six Bullets MessageBoard has officially launched. Ask a question, post your thoughts, and meet the Six Bullets community. Interact with the director, cast, and crew.
Six Bullets Email Updates
April 6, 2006
Please take a moment to sign up for the Six Bullets mailing list. Use the box on the left or send an email to updates@sixbulletsmovie.com with "subscribe" in the subject line.
Production Diaries Now Online
March 17, 2006
Miss an update? Need more info? Read the director's production diaries.
Linking to SixBulletsMovie.com
March 6, 2006
Link to us! Support the Six Bullets Movie website by linking to us from your website. Just insert the following code:
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"Six Bullets is getting a lot of hype around here." - Jeff Spoo.
"It looks like we're filming in Jurassic Park" - Jason Bott, Set Designer
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